Premature Ejaculation Toys are Trainings Devices to Avoid PE

What to know about the phenomenon of Premature Ejaculation and how toys for erectile dysfunction can help? 

Although not life-threatening, Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a common and distressing problem that reduces the quality of life and can threaten the partnership. Effective treatment methods include training with premature ejaculation toys. 

What is PE? 

Premature ejaculation is the condition of ejaculation occurring shortly after penetration of the vagina, within the first 1-2 minutes. That makes an extended, pleasurable act impossible. The penis goes flaccid, and the game is over. The man is exhausted, and the partner is frustrated.    

A man to whom this happens has lost total control over his ejaculation. Far more men and their partners complain about this problem than previously assumed.  

How many people are affected and what are the causes? 

Estimated about 30% of all men in all age groups are affected. The cause can be both physical and psychological. A sex therapist may clarify this. 

Is PE a modern phenomenon? 

Interestingly, the problem of Premature Ejaculation was also known in the Middle Ages and certainly in antiquity. The Chinese of the 17th century suspected a disharmony between a man (yang) and his sex partner (yin) if the latter showed a very dominant manner. 

The Kama Sutra also describes this phenomenon, and it also depicts a particular technique that any man can learn to restrain ejaculation. The couple that masters the Karezza technique always manages to reach a conjoint orgasm.   

 Premature Ejaculation Toys

Men can learn to delay ejaculation by using sex toys for erectile dysfunction 

The best and easiest way for the man to handle the problem is through masturbation practice. On the one hand, because regular masturbation takes the pressure off the pipe, on the other hand, with a stop-and-go exercise, the man can learn to delay ejaculation more and more. That’s where premature ejaculation toys, the toys for erectile dysfunction, come into play.    

In the sense of tantra, some Indian temples give courses to teach couples the art of physical love. Within these courses, a man learns special techniques to control ejaculation by tensing the pelvic floor muscles.    


No need to take medication 

It is therefore not necessary to take medication against PE. If you want to prevent it or actively fight against it on your own, without studying tantra, take a look into the topic of premature ejaculation toys. Sex toys for erectile dysfunction are not to be considered only as a party gag.    

Sex toys for erectile dysfunction are real training devices on which the user can train endurance and intensity. Regular use of premature ejaculation toys can prevent erectile dysfunction from occurring in the first place.    

Depending on the severity of the dysfunction, different endurance trainers are available. An automatic penis stroker toy, which is a male vibrator toy where the penis is inserted and subjected to rhythmic stroking movements and vibrations until orgasm, can be used to exercise the stop-and-go technique. 

You can find masturbators suitable for training here.    

Learn to overcome your PE and enjoy a long night of love with the help of toys for erectile dysfunction

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