About Us



Male Sex Toys are the very subject of MalePowerSexToys.com
It is an artist who founded this online shop for men.
No reason to be astonished!
Artists do not judge people by their appearance, origin, abilities or gender.
In the eyes of an artist, all people are equal. And artists understand a lot about pleasure.

That's not the only pleasant surprise that awaits you here.
Ultimately, using male sex toys may surprise you.
Everything you learn here about the meaning and function of Male Sex Toys
and their connection with art could surprise you.

What do Art and Sexuality Have in Common?
Creative Power and Aesthetics!

Both art and sexuality have a highly inspiring effect on the recipient and connoisseur. Without sexuality, art would be unthinkable. And without art, the sexuality of humans would stand alone in the light of reproduction. The latter is indeed its primary task, which we have to respect. Of course, no one has anything against a pleasantly good measure of joy that the "most beautiful thing in the world" is known to bring.

The fact is that human sexuality sets other essential wheels in motion. Its importance projects far beyond the goal of preserving the species. 

The importance of human sexual feelings

The feelings associated with our sexuality lead to a particular state of mind in which we are capable of far more brilliant achievement than we dare to dream. Sexual feelings inspire people of all genders and enable them to achieve peak performance and great self-overcoming.

Unfortunately, we are often inadequately enlightened in this regard. Most information, originating from traditional, sometimes puritanical upbringing, about the inviolable power that springs from sexual emotion, all too often refers only to the physical experience. And that, unfortunately, is still readily smeared in the mud. The pure consequences of a powerful orgasm are not even remotely considered, even though they are essential to a person's mental and physical health.

On a physical level, an orgasm sets in motion a series of vital hormonal processes. On the psychological level, think of the possibility of sexual transmutation. By this, I mean the transformation of physical sensations during well-being to the higher, spiritual level, namely to where the achievement of happiness in life, the professional and social goals of the person are on the plan.

This task of sexuality is particularly close to my heart as an artist and founder of this store. And I am convinced that the male sex toys I'm offering here can bring every man to his desired experience.

Man is a creative being. The ability to intense sexual feelings helps him focussing his energy and direct it specifically to his goals and plans.

Finally, the sexually balanced person is the more successful one

The structural potential that arises from sexually motivated feelings has a direct effect on three urgent things: 

  • the preservation of the species,
  • the maintenance of health, and
  • the performance-related transformation from mental mediocrity to genius.

Famous writers, musicians, painters, and actors are always well-endowed with a decent amount of sexual charisma.

However, this quality is not for artists alone. Every person has a right to sexual development. The pursuit of it stimulates the mind most effectively and can move a person most strongly to action. Scientifically it is proven that the ability of sexual transmutation can make a person a genius. Being able to divert a thought of physically performing a sexual act to concepts of a different kind - that is that ability of sexual transmutation I’m talking about here. From here, a person develops endurance, courage, willpower, imagination, and creative skills to an unimagined extent.

Times have changed 

We don't get married nowadays to get enough sex. We also live as singles or in partnerships without abusing a companion for sex. Our focus is on the present, immediate happiness in life, non-violent adventure, financial freedom, and ….. HEALTH!

That's why Sex Toys are not reserved for women alone, as many of you, Guys, might imagine.
Sex Toys belong to the utensils suitcase or into the night cabinet of every human being.
Male Sex Toys, Guys, belong in yours!
Male sex toys are your guarantee of independence!
Used correctly, they pave your way to an unlimited performance in whatever goal you are trying to reach!

Why should you Guys do without Male Sex Toys, this modern achievement?

I am a visual artist, designer, and founder of Oreglobal LLC company in Oregon. MalePowerSexToys.com is the online store for men that I invented and created. I equipped it with the best and most reliable Male Sex Toys ever on the market. Enjoy the quality!